Third day,18 May 2012,12.13am….
Hmm…what are the girls doing during midnight? Why are they not sleeping?
They are busy playing with their new “toys” on the bed.
(sorry about the messy bed)
** As we have a pair of twins here,hope the following contents do not confused anyone.
Thus let me make a simple introduction about the three girls before we start.
Starting from the left of the screen, its Michelle’s Neris. The other DD Neris in the middle of the picture is my girl,while the Yukino on the right is Michelle’s Yukino.
Yukino : Well since there are three of us and we have three capsule toys,we could each have one.
Neris : Hmm,i wondered what is inside these toy capsules?
Yukino : Mummy,can we open the capsules?
Michelle’s Neris : Yeah,mummy,can we?
Michelle : Yes sweeties,of course you can.
Neris : I shall open mine too.
Here she is,my new girl Neris after putting on her new head and eyes,could finally return the other Neris head to Michelle. And Michelle also got the new DDdy body for Yukino.
Yukino : Hey Neris,i think my toy capsule is similar to yours.
Neris : I guess so,its also a miniature MOS burger.
Michelle’s Neris : Mine seems to be a Nissin cup noodle
Yukino : Let’s open now!
Opening toy capsules in progress….
toy capsules opened….
Yukino : Hey,i thought mine was suppose to be a burger,why did it turn out to be a cup noodle? Did someone secretly exchange the toys?
Michelle’s Neris : “Giggling”
However,the twin girls simply ignored Yukino,happily holding on to their new toys.
Michelle : Girls,its getting late,keep your toys,its time to go to bed. Look at the big mess you girls have done on the bed.
End of the short story.
Lets continue with some pictures of nice food in HongKong before ending off.

Its had been years since i last had Mcdonald breakfast in HongKong. Could finally try something different,the pork sausage as well as hot chocolate. Singapore Mcdonald used to have hot chocolate,but no during these recent years. I missed it so much,however the taste is different from what i had in Singapore years ago.

Strawberry Malt Freeze and ….. I forgot the name of the other drink,but it taste like Soya bean freeze,something quite special.
Been to Hongkong for more than 20 times,however this is my first time taking pictures of sceneries at Harbour City.
The pictures did not turn out well due to heavy rain, would try to retake again some other days….during my next trip perhaps.
My yukino looks so shocking… hahaha….
I miss the breakfast in HK after seeing the photos…whahaha ^_^
I think she looked more stunned than shocked….LOL