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10 Nov 2012 – AFASG 2012 (Day 1)

This post would be mainly about Dollfie Dream and some other dolls at Fujiwara Yukino booth during the first day of the event since this blog is all about dolls stories. There would also be some pictures of Dollfie Dream Mirai at Danny Choo’s Culture Japan booth. I would not be writing much in this. Short captions are added to some of the pictures to introduce some friends’ lovely dolls.

這篇網誌的重點將放在Fujiwara Yukino展示攤位的Dollfie Dream與其他娃娃上,當中也會出現幾張Danny Choo的Culture Japan攤位的娃娃圖片。由於網誌內有大量的圖片,我們將減少文字內容,改用圖片底下的簡介,所有的簡介會以英文輸入。

There are 75 pictures with big file size in this page,it would take more time to load.

Other AFASG 2012 Related Posts and Pictures / 其他動漫節的相關網誌:

  • My girls & friends at AFASG 2012
  • Preparations for AFASG
  • 11 Nov 2012 – AFASG 2012 (Day 2)
  • I tried to take a full view of the three long table…however i still missed out part of it.

    Yu Chann sitting at the top of the stage frame at Fujiwara Yukino Booth @ AFA Singapore 2012

    Neris in kimono…She’s the daughter of Furry Nekomimi from Brunei

    Another daughter of a friend from Brunei…Furry Nekomimi’s other daughter Mashiro

    Furry Nekomimi brought his two girls to Singapore to attend this AFA event.

    Beautiful daughter of a new friend whom specially came from Qatar for this event.

    Another lovely daughter of a Qatar friend whom specially came for this event.

    Mizu’s two lovely daughters.

    Mizu’s other two lovely girls…Lucy Maria and Miki in kimono

    Wei Sheng and Christabel’s girl in a beautiful wedding gown

    Featuring Neris x 2

    Minggang’s lovely daughter ~ Neris

    Neris cosplaying Asuna

    This picture looks as if she is taking her own picture using a mobile phone camera.

    Lovely Yukino of Joyce with her hand-made hats

    Mizu’s beautiful Yukino

    Edwin’s lovely girl with her camera

    Jonathan’s Mashiro

    Christabel’s Reimu and Marisa

    Hana and Akira

    Here we have Minggang’s Neris with Michelle and my “twins” Neris

    Zhen Wen’s little pure neemo girl cosplaying Mirai

    Melissa’s Hitomi in school uniform

    Here comes the “Saber Army”…

    Sephora’s Saber Alter with large black wings

    Christabel’s loverly Saber in pink outfits

    Sephora’s other daughter in large red wings

    Man-Kai Loke’s Saber Alter with her huge poster

    Above are mainly individual shots that i managed to capture,some pics did not turn out clear so i did not put them up. I think i have missed out quite a couple dolls,hope those group pictures below could cover some that i have missed.

    Alvin,Fujiwara Yukino booth owner’s other three daughters on the bike that their daddy specially bought for them.

    Lastly….the main character of Fujiwara Yukino booth…Please welcome our star….Yu Chann!
    最後讓我們來歡迎我們的“巨星”出場….歡迎Yu Chann!

    Main character of Fujiwara Yukino booth ~ Yu Chann

    Danny Choo’s Culture Japan booth

    Here are some pictures taken at Danny Choo’s booth.

    Alvin’s car at Culture Japan booth

    There is a little driver in the car…Danny’s Yuki Mirai

    Marisa and Airy cosplaying Mirai in a showcase @ Culture Japan booth

    Something out of the dolls topic….two cute long-haired dachshund spotted outside Hall 7….there were lots of dogs at Expo those two days because of a dog show going on in another hall. If it had not clashed with AFASG,i might bring my dogs for the dog show instead….

    Spotted two miniature long-haired dachshund outside Hall 7 with their cosplayer owner.

    Alright,back to the original topic…this is the end of the 75 pictures,more coming up in the next post about AFASG 2012 (Day 2)…

    Special Thanks : Alvin (Yu Chann’s daddy) from http://www.fujiwarayukino.com/,
    thank you for making this awesome event possible by putting in so much hardwork,time and effort.

    Also like to thank all the friends whom i have met at the booth,some i already mentioned in the picture captions(please let me know if i have labelled them wrongly) while others whom i have missed out,please forgive me as i could not recognized your daughters…oops

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