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11 Nov 2012 – AFASG 2012 (Day 2)

As compared to AFASG 2012 (Day 1) post,Day 2 has lesser pictures,there is only a total of 34 pictures in this post. We did not take as many pictures as the first day,partially because we spent lesser time at the booth. We were out shopping at other booths to hunt for stuffs that might be suitable for the girls,however we could not find much stuffs.

Other AFASG 2012 Related Posts and Pictures / 其他動漫節的相關網誌:

  • My girls & friends at AFASG 2012
  • Preparations for AFASG
  • 10 Nov 2012 – AFASG 2012 (Day 1)
  • Let’s get started with the individual shots first…

    Presenting two lovely Neris in the two following pictures, one from Alphond, other from Furry Nekomimi.

    Our friend from Malaysia…..Alphond’s Neris

    Another friend from overseas…Furry Nekomimi’s Neris from Brunei

    Beautiful lady from Qatar

    Another lovely lady from Qatar

    Edwin’s beautiful Yukino

    Another pic of Alphond’s Neris

    three little cute MDDs

    Furry Nekomimi’s other daughter Mashiro

    A friend from HongKong ~ Tony’s Mashiro in this beautiful kimono and hair-do

    Another little friend from HongKong

    Not forgetting the big group of Saber girls….

    Alvin’s four girls with a big group of Saber

    Alvin’s lovely Yu Chann,the main character and owner of the booth.

    Yu Chann’s sister Moe-Chann and Princess

    Alvin’s other two daughters…

    I tried to take a full shot of the three tables again…this time its seem to be more complete comparing to the first day.

    After the event…
    Firstly,we would like to thank Alvin for letting us participate in both the booth setup and the actual event. It was our first time attending an anime event. Although we love Dollfie Dream very much,but we almost know nothing about anime…..thus thank you for your patience and guidance.

    We were really excited and started to plan and hunt for outfits for the girls more than a month before the event…during the two-day event,we were tired due to lack of sleep,but we were happy. Very glad that we could finally get to meet the friends in person after knowing them for months through facebook. We are also happy to meet some local friends and friends from Malaysia,Brunei and HongKong whom we have not met for months. Its a wonderful gathering,looking forward to our next gathering.

    Special Thanks : Alvin (Yu Chann’s daddy) from http://www.fujiwarayukino.com/,
    thank you for making this awesome event possible by putting in so much hardwork,time and effort.

    Also like to thank all the friends whom i have met at the booth,some i already mentioned in the picture captions(please let me know if i have labelled them wrongly) while others whom i have missed out,please forgive me as i could not recognized your daughters…oops

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