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Archive for: November 23rd, 2012

My girls & friends at AFASG 2012

Oops,these reports and pictures were supposed to be completed last week however i was having a flu since AFASG ended. Hope to be able to complete at least three reports before end of this week.

I just put up the post about Preparations for AFASG last night.
As for this post,it would be mainly about of my girls and friends. We will be sharing the pictures that they took with some of their friends during the two days event.

Reports and pictures of AFASG Day 1 and Day 2 would be done in another two separate post….and would be up soon.

Let’s get started…..Introducing our main character….

She is Yu Chann,the main character of Fujiwara Yukino booth.

Our little mischievous Yu Chann climbed her way up to the top of the stage frame.

AFASG Day 1 @ Singapore Expo Hall 7

Here are our girls and their outfits on the first day of the event.

(sitting down from screen left) Michelle’s Akira, My Mariko
(standing front row,from screen left)Michelle’s Neris, My Neris, My Hana
(standing back row,from screen left)Michelle’s Saber Fate Extra, My Saber Alter, Michelle’s Yukino

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