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Akira’s Visit to Garden By The Bay

Akira was very happy to visit Gardens By The Bay! This is her very first outing with Mummy since she first join the family. Mummy has to say sorry to the other girls cos Mummy can only bring along 1 girl with her, and that’s me! heeee…..

It was a sunny hot day that day and this helps greatly in Mummy’s photo shooting. The Flower Dome welcomes a season of plenty as the Flower Field transforms with splashes of orange, yellow and red in the latest Autumn Harvest display. The view during daytime and night time is very different. Must try to get Mummy to go there again during night time the next time for a different kind of feel and view.

For more information on Gardens by the Bay, you can visit their website. http://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/en/home.html

As there are too many photos, please visit my Flicker’s album for more photos.

And now, let the adventure begins! Yeah!

After some walk from the main entrance, we’re at The Canopy. This is a rest area, connecting both “The Cloud Forest” and ” The Flower Dome” here. This is also the place where you buy your tickets for entrance to the 2 domes. You can also find some lockers nearby so that you can deposit your bags and enjoy the scenery at ease.

Somewhere more nearer to the alighting and main entrance area, you will find the Supertree Grove. You can take a stroll along the OCBC Skyway, a 128-metre long walkway that connects the two 25-metre Supertrees at the Supertree Grove, and take in a different view of the Gardens. Chill out at the 50-metre Supertree-top bistro and be captivated by the panoramic views of the Gardens as well as the surrounding Marina Bay area.

Look at this big crocodile. Luckily this is not real. LOL.

This pillar design that looks like the roots and vines of the trees.

The rest areas has special designs benches that looks like cut tree trunks, which allows visitors to take a rest when they are tired.

We’re getting ready to enter the “Cloud Forest”.

This is “The Fall”. It is the waterfall that you see the minute you enter the Cloud Forest. It is approx 6 to 7 levels high.

We’re just like one and a half storey height. See the big sky bridge behind me? We will be walking down from the top level later.

Still a long way to go before we reach the top.

Taking pics with some of the plants along the way.

We’ve just reached the 2nd floor.

This is the inner of the water cave. Is kind of dark. Hope is not too scary. heee…

Aikira enjoying the view from inside of the the cave.

Mummy, look! That is where we came in just now.. heee….

Yeah! We’ve reached the top of the waterfall.

Let’s take a picture for remembrance before we leave this dome.

Going down by the sky bridge.

Looking down from 7 storey high while making our way down slowly.

Woo, is high up here. I better hold Mummy’s hand tightly…..

Mid level rest area. And we can see some dew sculptures here.

Continue to make our way down slowly.

We’re now at the Cloud Forest theater. It is currently showing and explaining the cycles of the nature.

Making our way out of the Cloud Forest.

seems like the misty forest here. lol.

After a quick lunch break, we made our way to the Flower dome. And more self portraits of myself! LOL.

Mummy, see this! This flower looks so nice. Too bad i can’t pick it back home.

Woo, Look at this hibiscus! It is so big!

Mummy! This flower is even bigger than my face!

Another big hibiscus in light yellow color.

It was near to Halloween time when we visited the Flower dome. Therefore there are lots of Halloween related decoration done and set up within the Flower dome.

Look what I’ve found? Strawberries! And the shape looks like a heart shape. In’t it cute?

Different types of corns, which is also part of the halloween deco.

Behind me is a kind of cactus plants . They don’t look like one,do they?

2 different kinds of cactus plants behind me. Or rather different species on my left and right hand. LOL.

Mummy quick. I’m scared. The cactus plant behind me looks like a spider……

These are flowers of some cactus plants.

Last picture before we leave for the day. Good bye everyone.

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