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Moko First Christmas Shooting

Hello everyone, my name is Moko. I have just join the family not long ago and this is my first festival celebration with the family. Mummy brought me out for some christmas photo shooting as those previous shoots by mummy did not turn out nice. So we decided to make a trip there again and take some more pictures.

A Merry-Go-Round at Tangs shopping center basement.

“Mummy, can we buy this christmas tree?”

“Ah…. I like these. Cos they are shorter than me…. heee…”

A deco christmas tree at Tangs basement.

” I’m tired. Let me take a rest on this sofa. Is so comfy.”

“I can ride this motobike. Is just the right size!Please buy it for me mummy.”

White christmas tree in C.K. Tangs first level.

Another christmas tree at level 1 Tangs, beside Godiva Chocolate section.

After so much shooting and walking, we’re all tired. We decided to sit down and have some desserts before continuing our shooting. We had a banana spilt and a ice cream waffle. They are yummy.

Christmas tree outside Paragon.

Ferrero Rocher tree outside Takashimaya Shopping Center.

Teddy Bear tree inside Takashimaya.

The four storey high christmas tree inside Ngee Ann City.

A night shoot along Orchard Road.

A shot of C.K.Tangs Shopping Center, taken opposite of the road.

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