I was supposed to complete this blog post a few days earlier,however due to some stuffs that affected my mood,i had to delay this post a little. In order not to let out my frustrations in the posts,i would let my Saber Alter take over this post from now…
First Personal Outing
I am Saber Alter…This is my first personal outing since i joined this family months ago. Mummy brought me out to meet Aunt Michelle and her daughter Saber Fate Extra. Knowing we would be meeting on that day, i discussed with Saber Fate that we should put on the same white dress so that we would look like twins.
We met at Orchard Central for lunch buffet and proceed to the Christmas display on the ground floor to take some pictures. We got attracted by the white fox maybe because it resembles mummy’s white Japanese Spitz dog,so we took a lot of pictures with the little ones.
This is close up shot of the little white fox under one of the Christmas tree. Caught Saber Fate touching the sword on the fox’s back….we just love swords,don’t we?
We caught some kids’ attentions while taking pictures with the Christmas tree….we took a few pictures with the kids since their mothers requested and we moved on to other xmas displays quickly before we became part of the display~~~
At the other side,we found these owls and white bears.
This owl looks drunk~LOL
It could no longer stand on its own after taking pictures with so many people daily….poor owl,its pink hat is dropping off too.
We wanted to take a picture with this duck however it seems very grouchy. Perhaps due to the that large hole on its head,lets skip that….
A quick shot on the stage with the big polar bear and the mailbox because more and more kids are coming after us….Saber Fate loves this bear so much,but too bad that we could not stay longer to take more shots as there were too many people crowding around the area.
We spotted another white fox at the lift landing while we wanted to take the lift to the basement.
At the other side,there is a smaller polar bear,just a right size for us. There were very little people at that area,so we could spend more time to take more pictures…
The following three pictures were taken at the basement of Orchard Central before proceeding over to Centrepoint. We actually wanted to take more pictures outside Orchard Central as well as the roof garden on the 12th floor,but it was raining very heavily for hours,we have no chance to do so….
At Centrepoint…
This is at the center area of the mall where Robinsons displayed their perfume gift counters.
Beautiful display outside Centrepoint….however due to the rain,we would not be able to go outside to take pictures of these display from the front view. These are mainly the back view and side views.
We could not move to other malls for photo shot due to the bad weather,thus we decided to leave that area during the late afternoon.
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