English Summary:
I was browsing through the internet one fine day and guess what? I found a very good offer of a DD and I’ve decided to adopt her. She was one of my wish list girl and I’m definitely very happy that she can be part of my collection. She could have been my 4th daughter previously but I choose Akira instead at that point of time. I was contemplating very hard whether to get her or not when I saw the offer. And after some thoughts, I’ve decided to get her.
And there, she has arrived! She was suppose to reach at least 1-2 days earlier. But due to some changes to the delivery schedule, she arrived on 14 Jan 2013. Her sisters are very eager to see how she looks like and waiting to greet her.
Neris: 今天收到一個新的包裹,我們又有新妹妹啦!真是“傷腦筋”啊。
Akira: 嗯,不知道會是誰?真期待啊!
Saber: 叫媽咪快快打開來看就知道啦!
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