I am Little Haruka,this is my first time attending an overseas doll event with my mummy and my sister Yuki…..also not forgetting Aunty Michelle and her girl….also Yuki whom is my “god-sister”.
Due to the large amount of pictures,i would be covering only Dollfie Dream and a mixture of some other Anime related dolls in this post. Blythe,SD dolls and other BJD dolls would be covered in another two different posts. As not all photographs turn out well,i might have missed out some Dollfie Dream girls,so sorry about that.
大家好,我是香香(天海春香)。這是我首次跟隨著我麻麻和由綺姐姐一同到香港旅行及出席一年一次的大型娃展“HongKong Dollism Plus 8”。隨行的還有Michelle阿姨和她家的由綺(我的乾姐姐)。
由於這次娃展的照片很多,這篇網誌只是包含了Dollfie Dream部份的照片,小布,SD娃及其他BJD娃的照片將會分別post在另外兩篇不同的網誌。非常抱歉,由於將一些效果不佳的照片抽出,可能會漏掉一些娃。
Event : HongKong Dollism Plus 8 (Day 1)
Date: 13 July 2013
Time: 11:30am-6:00pm
Aveue: 3rd Floor, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre | 九龍灣國際展貿中心三樓
This place is big and crowded. There are so many doll booths selling different stuffs like dolls,clothes,wigs,hats,doll bags,shoes and other accessories etc…Its nice to see so many doll parents carrying their beautifully dressed daughters and sons around the hall….we have found some new friends in the crowds. We also seen many friends and their daughters from our usual DD groups. Some are from HongKong while the rest came all the way from Singapore,Brunei,Malaysia and Thailand to attend this doll event.
I have to start going around the dealers booths soon before all the good stuffs are sold out. I have seen some stuffs that i would like to buy…..but wait….where is my sister Yuki? I have not seen her since i entered the event hall,where did she go?
Found my sister Yuki and my god-sister Yuki(Aunty Michelle’s daughter,the one in pink hair) at Dollfie World booth.
They would be there for the day while i would go around the hall to take pictures and to shop for stuffs for my other sisters whom could not attend the event.
Alright,sorry for the long introduction,heehee….we shall now start with…..the pics of DDs and MDDs…..
終於找到她了!原來她和我乾姐姐在Dollfie World的攤位。她們應該會在那裡一段時間,我還是先到處去看看,拍拍照片,幫其他不能到場的姐姐買些東西吧。
It has been a tiring day after hours of standing and walking around the big hall. I have helped my sisters bought the stuffs they wanted…..HKDP Day 1 is closing soon,my Sister Yuki is back with us and we would be heading back to the hotel soon. Looking forward to HKDP Day 2…looking forward to more shopping….
Thank you for the reading,please do come back for more updates of HKDP reports and pictures.
We would like to specially thank Natalie Lau from Dollfie World for helping us with the buying of HKDP tickets and providing a big booth to display the dolls.
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