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[HKDP8] Setting off to Hong Kong

12 Jul – Hong Kong here we come!

Hi everyone, this is Yuki, the reporter for HKDP this year. Yeah, we’re going to set off today to Hong Kong today. Mummy and me will be meeting Aunty Fiona at that airport. Together with Fiona Auntie will be Yuki and Haruka. Are you looking forward to the trip like us? Come on and follow us!


7月12日 – 出發到香港啦!


At the Airport  / 在機場

The girls are busy taking photographs at the KOI pond located at Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 3.

A photo of the original KOI pond taken previously when I was at the airport last year.

Haruka: This is the plane that we’re going to take later.

Yuki: Goodbye Singapore. Hong Kong here I come!

On the plane / 在給幾上

Haruka & Yuki making themself comfortable on the plane.
Haruka: ”hum…I’m a little bit scared Yuki. This is my first time taking a plane”
Yuki: “Is alright. Don’t be afraid. The air stewardess will take good care of you.”

Haruka & Yuki: “Mummy says we must fasten our seat belts.”

Haruka & Yuki enjoying the in flight entertainment system during the flight.

Haruka: “This is the first time I’m taking a plane. Look! The clouds looks as if they are cotton candy!“

Haruka is really excited over her trip, and definitely enjoying her flight.

Michelle: “Look here, girls and say cheese! ”
Harkua: “Yeah! Ta-da”
Yuki: “Be careful Haruka!”

We took a set of the in-flight meals to try. This is the har gao with glutinous rice.

At the Hotel / 在酒店

After taking the 3 hours plus flight, we finally arrived at Hong Kong International Airport. The clearance at the custom was considered relatively fast on that day. After collecting our luggages, we took the airport express and make our way to the hotel. We only managed to check in the hotel approximately around 3.45pm as it was crowded that day and the hotel needed some extra time to make sure the room was ok before we can finally checked in and rest.


Haruka & Yuki looks so comfortable lying on the bed.

Yuki is exploring around the room while Haruka is rolling herself on the bed.

The girls were enjoying the view outside the hotel window.

After we unpack some of our luggage and had a quick wash up, we make our way for our late lunch. And we have decided to eat one our favorite restaurant, Monster Sushi.

We order a set and some other sushis to add on. And I must say, a happy meal makes one happy! ^_^

After our meals, we make a trip to Dollfie World to collect our DP tickets. And when walking back to our hotel, we pass by this dessert stall and we went in to try it out. We order the strawberry shave ice and Almond paste.

After some shopping, we brought dinner back to our room while preparing for the DP event for the next day. Here’s a sneak preview of how our girls will look for DP the next day.

Stay tune for more post on our HKDP8 trip.

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