Yes! It is the time of the year! Well, I think Christmas is one of the festive holiday that everyone looks forward to. Pretty lightings, nice food, presents that everyone looks forward to.
Just the weekend before Christmas, Lily and myself, together with our mummies, we went for a christmas photo shoot at Orchard Road. The theme for this year 2013 is blue color. Along the road of Orchard Road, it will be decorated with nice lightings. Shopping centers have also put on beautiful decorations items for the festival. We’re so excited that our mummies are so helpless cos we just cannot concentrate and looks at the camera. So come on and join us while we take a walk down orchard road.
又是一年一度的聖誕節啦!我想聖誕節是其中一個大家向往的節日吧!漂亮的燈飾和聖誕樹,美食佳餚和許許多多的禮物。在剛過的周六,我和莉莉還有我們的媽咪去了烏節路。今年的燈飾藍色為主題。街道都懸掛著靚麗的燈飾和擺設,各大購物商場也披上了漂亮的“服裝”。我們開心到拍照都不能專心,我們的媽咪都好無奈,哈哈哈。現在就隨我們一起來感受一下聖誕的氣息吧! 走!
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