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Archive for: June 2014

Our first display and sale booth at HKDP9

Glad to announced that we would be having our very first sale and display of our hand-made wedding gowns and accessories at the upcoming HongKong Dollism Plus 9. We would like to invite friends who are attending this event to visit our booth with your lovely dolls.

我們將在來臨7月份的香港Dollism Plus 9首次租用攤位售賣我們的手縫娃衣(多數會是華麗的婚紗禮服),

Booth Informations:
Date : 19 July 2014,Saturday(one day only)
Time : 11:30am-6:00pm
Booth Number : C21
Venue: Rotunda Hall 2, 3/F Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre,
1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong


日期: 2014年7月19,星期六(一天而已)

We would update everyone with the item list,pictures and prices in our facebook page at probably around first week of July. The following two pictures are preview of one of our handmade wedding gown set.
商品清單,照片,價格及進一步資料將會在7月初在我們BLY Couture的臉書頁面上公佈,暫時先貼上兩張我們縫製的其中一套婚紗禮服的圖圖。