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Archive for: September 5th, 2014

[HKDP9] HongKong Dollism Plus 9 (Day 2)

Event : HongKong Dollism Plus 9 (Day 2)
Date: 20 July 2014
Time: 11:30am-6:00pm
Venue: Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre | 九龍灣國際展貿中心三樓

Attending this annual event in Hong Kong every year is definitely an eye opener for all doll collectors. Besides making friends with other new collectors and sellers, this event often creates a chance and platform for all other collectors to catch up with each other as well. I’m really happy to catch up with other overseas collectors and also at the same time, made friends with other! Special edition dolls, accessories and doll clothes are often sold during the event. As we’re having our own booth this year, we didn’t have much time to go around taking much photos on the first day. So we have merge the 2 days event photos together. So let’s go for HKDP9 tour now!

每年的 HongKong Dollism Plus, 我都覺得是讓所有娃親大開眼界的一次。除了能看到很多不同種類的DD, BJD娃之外,他們的造型也是千變萬化的。不管是賣家,還是參與者,除了參與這個一年一度的活動之外,許多收藏家也會接著這個機會和來自不同國家的朋友們聚一聚。活動上也有售賣限量版的BJD娃,或者其他相關物品。事不宜遲,現在就隨我們去看一看吧!

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