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My new personal blog is up!

Firstly,i would like to welcome all my dear friends,as well as new friends to my new “personal” blog…..My “i-Melody’s Doll Story”. Finally i could “fully owned” a blog under the hosting and the domain. I have been using a couple of free blog services during the past years,the ads and downtime for some free services could be rather irritating at times.

However, my blog is currently sharing this huge hosting space(but not very high bandwidth :-? ) with my two other huge discussion forums, thus it might still experience down time during peak hours. :P

It still very new and empty. I am still trying to get used to the blog functions,adding new stuffs bit by bit,hope to be able to get everything up as soon as i can…..thus….

“Blog Renovation” in progress….please come back soon for updates.

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