Lily & Yuki will be continuing their Japan trip and we will be moving to Hokkaido, Sapporo. We will be staying there for a few days and then will be making their trip back to Singapore. Let’s us now continue our adventure!
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By the time we reached Sapporo, it is almost to dinner time. So we went to one of the nearby shopping center and choose Okonomiyaki for dinner. We were hungry and just took a few pics and started our dinner! After which, we went shopping around the mall and then make our way back to the hotel to rest.
Next morning, we took a free shuttle bus that was arrange by the hotel to the Nijo Market. Went to one of the shop that sells lots of fresh seafood and their own restaurant beside it. SO we choose that and had our brunch.
隔天我們一大清早,便乘搭了酒店所安排的免費巴士,到了日本俗稱的二条市場(Nijo Market)。我們選了間售賣大量海鮮,還有他們自家的餐廳在旁邊。逛完魚市場之後,我們就直接在餐廳享用我們的午餐。
Our lunch is now served!
Hokkaido famous seafood – Snow crab.
Desserts that we brought from our hotel cafe in order to satisfy our craving.
As there was a Mos Burger outlet nearby our hotel, we went to have our breakfast there and their breakfast was so nice but is a pity that it is never found in Singapore. The set consist of a miso soup, salmon rice burger, some prickles and a hot drink.
After breakfast, we decided to join a half day tour and tour around Sapporo. Our first location, we arrive at the famous Sapporo Brewery.
Yuki: “Mummy, can i drink some beer?”
Yuki: “媽媽,我可以喝啤酒嗎?”
Taking some final pictures we leave this place and move to the next destination.
Next destination, we came to the Nijo market which we came yesterday. We decided to choose another restaurant to have our lunch.
Their Chawanmushi is super tasty as the steam egg texture is extremely smooth and silky. Some of us like it so much that we ordered 2 of it!
他們家的茶碗蒸是我吃過最好吃的一家。一口吃下去,可以感覺它非常的滑順。而且各種食材搭配上來, 真的無法形容那種美妙的滋味。我們有些人還吃了兩碗呢!
After lunch, our next place of destination is one of the Shrine in Sapporo.
吃過午餐,我們的下一站, 就是來到了日本的寺廟。
Next, we arrived at the Okurayama Jumo Stadium. The viewing lounge is the place to look directly down at Odori Park, and also see many other Sapporo landmarks such as Sapporo Dome and Hokkaido University. You can enjoy panoramic views of Ishikari Plain, Ishikari Bay, and the mountains in the distance. The changing seasons and the streetscapes of Sapporo combine to create a truly beautiful picture. In addition, from the viewing point atop the roof you can see the normal hill (K-spot of 90 meters) Miyanomori Ski Jump Stadium, and experience the magnificent scenery from the viewpoint of a ski jumper.
I wonder where will be our next destination? Since we are unable to understand the language of the tour guide, we will know the answer when we reach the destination。So let us enjoy the scenery along the way……
And there! we arrived at the Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill! Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill is a famous scenic spot located in Toyohira-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaidō, Japan. The bronze statue of Dr. William S. Clark, which stands on the hill, is well known as the symbol of frontier spirit of Hokkaidō.
After consulting the hotel reception, we decided to go to one of the restaurant nearby to have Shabu Shabu for dinner.
While walking to the restaurant…….
We’ve also made a trip to Sapporo Volks to do our shopping and take pics of our girls with the nice background.
That’s all for our Japan trip. Hope to visit Japan again soon. ^_^
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