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Hong Kong Disneyland 2014

Twins Lily make a trip to Hong Kong at the end of Nov for a short holiday getaway. We went to visit some friends in Hong Kong and then make a trip to Disneyland during the last 2 days of our trip before coming back. So lets us now enjoy the Magical trip with Twins Yuki!

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We’re lucky that by the time we arrived at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel, our rooms are ready. We then unload all our luggages into the room without having to make a trip back in the middle of the day. Let us take a quick tour of the room now.


The mini bar corner in the room, and the cute disney character painting.

There is a small balcony in our room which overlooks a bit of the South China sea, and the garden view.

Interior design of the hotel, which is almost similar to Disneyland Japan. And a big christmas tree deco.

After a quick refreshing up, we are now ready to go to Disneyland.

We went to Disneyland to have our late lunch and we choose to eat at the “Main Street Corner Cafe” located at the Main Street, USA. We ordered our main course. In addition, we also ordered the strawberry milkshake as it is so cute. And the taste is not bad. The main course taste nice too.

After our meals,the day parade is almost starting. we went to find a nice spot and is waiting patiently for the parade to start.

After the day parade, we continue our journey to different attractions of Disneyland.

After dinner, we were walking around the Fairyland area and the USA main street while waiting for the lighting of the christmas tree, night parade and fireworks show.
吃過晚飯之後,我們在附近閒逛, 順便等待聖誕樹的亮燈,夜間大匯演和煙花表演。

The night parade was cancelled due to drizzling rain. But lucky the fireworks show was not cancelled.

After the fireworks, we went back to the hotel and took our girls around the hotel premise to take photos.

Ok, that for the night. We are going back to the room to rest and we will continue to take more pics tomorrow.

Good morning everyone. Let us enjoy our breakfast at the Walt’s cafe and we will continue to go around for more photoshoot. Today will be our last day at disneyland as we will be leaving Hong Kong in the evening time.

With the Christmas tree at the lobby.

Photos take outside the hotel garden.

After a quick shoot outside the hotel garden, we went back to Disneyland for more photo taking.

We like this little cute monkey that we took the ride 2 times. But is a pity that we’re unable to capture too much pics of this little creature as it was quite dark and the movement of the rides might be quite fast sometime as well.
我們為了看這個可愛的小猴子,我們坐了2次。 不過很可惜,照片卻不是拍的很多。除了燈光太暗之外,乘坐的速度也

We do not have much time left so we will need to make good use of the remaining time before we leave the place.

Yuki: Mummy, can we get a soft toy as remembrance? Please…..

Although we are leaving Disneyland now, and is a pity that some parts of the show was cancelled due to weather, but overall it is still a fun and nice trip. Hope to visit Disneyland again.

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