It was a sunny day today and I’ve decided to let my girls wear their wedding gowns and take some pictures of them with the help of the bright sunlight.
First to be featured is my Saber. She is wearing the wedding gown launched by Volks recently. This gown also comes in light blue color. However I still preferred the pure white color set.
This is one of my favorite photo as it give me the best feel. ^_^
My second model is Yukino. Her wedding gown was brought during DP7 in HK. Her necklace was designed & created by me.
My third model is Neris. Her necklace was also made by me. Her gown actually belongs to DD Asakura Nemu, which was launched in year 2005 as the first DD that wears a wedding gown, which can also be considered the first wedding gown by Volks.
Last but not least, a group photo of my three girls dressed in their wedding gowns.
今天的天氣不錯,因此決定幫女兒們打扮一下,讓他們穿著婚紗拍些照片。我的模特兒分別為Saber,Yukino和Neris。Saber穿的是Volks最新推出的婚紗系列,Yukino穿的是我前一陣子在香港Dollism Plus購買的婚紗,而Neris穿的是屬於早期的DD~朝倉音夢的婚紗。
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