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My 4th daughter – Akira

Finally brought my Akira today. I’ve been “eyeing” her for a long time she is also the current doll which is on my wishlist that is still able to afford, whereas others are “too hard to be reached”, unless I’m very rich. And the best part is, after buying her, I guess i will have to save and scrap for the next coming 1-2 months. LOL….

I cannot really explain why i like Akira so much. I guess maybe is her expression and the X factor. I always feel that i have a special liking for “happy look” and “smily” face dolls.

My Akira is slightly different from the usual Akira as she is a body II instead of the usual DDS body. She comes in full set and since it is a good buy, I’ve decided to purchase her, after my previous few “encounters” with Akira. Cos I’ve tried to purchase her on few previous occasions but it was all unsuccessful ultimately. Finally, after so many attempts, my 4th daughter has been confirmed and I hope she will arrived to me smoothly and safely.



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