When mummy comes home from work today, the 3 girls were holding a big box from DHL which arrived this afternoon. The girls has been wondering what is in the box and has been talking about it since afternoon. Finally when Mummy comes home, they are all ready to help Mummy with the unpacking……
Mummy: Wooo, u girls must be very excited to know what is inside, aren’t you?
Neris: Yes Mummy, I’m so excited. What is it?
Saber: Mummy, Me too. I want to know what is it. Can i open it Mummy?
Yukino: Mummy, I want to open it too. I know how to use the pen knife and scissors. Can I help you? Please?
Mummy: “No girls, Mummy will do the opening. Remember, pen knife is dangerous, so you girls stand aside while Mummy does the opening ok?
Akira: Where am I? Who are you? Are you my Mummy?
Mummy: Yes, my dear, I’m your Mummy. Welcome to the home. Come, let Mummy dress you up and you are ready to meet your 3 sisters.
After dressing Akira up, she is now ready to meet her 3 elder sisters.
Mummy: “Come, Meet your elder sister, Yukino. Your second sister is Neris. Saber Extra is your 3rd sister and you ranked fourth. So girls, you are all big girls now and you all must help to take good care of each other ok?”
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