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Preparations for AFASG

Its a day before AFASG 2012,everyone were busy with their final preparations….dolling up the themselves and the dollfies,setting up the booth etc.

We are here….at Singapore Expo today to assist Alvin with his daughter “Fujiwara Yukino” booth to do some minor touch up.

Before meeting up with the gang,we hanged around Changi Point,then Hana saw this….

At Changi Point

Hana : Hey mummy,look at this,its two gigantic Sylvanian Families figurines.

Hana : And look at their guitar,its huge too.

Hana : They are so adorable,can i buy some home? I want that one!!!

Luckily that shop was closed since it was only 9.00am,if not it would surely cost me a huge damage.
I already have tons of these lying around,i guess i do not have room for more….

Then the mobile phone rang just at the right time….the guys have arrived,its time to get to work…

At Expo Hall 7

We met the gang outside Singapore Expo Hall 7….
The hall where we set up the booth was very hot and stuffy because the air-con will not be on until the actual day of the event….that is killing especially weather is so hot outside and its worse inside. How i wish that we brought a portable fan along~LOL

We did some simple stitching on the stage curtains and put them up while the guys do up the stage table and sound system. Looks like we are almost done with the stuffs,so i brought Hana over to other booths to take some pictures since its hard to take during the actual event with huge crowds.

Hana : Look at this huge board….i want to take a photo here

Hana : heehee,i poke her nose….

This “nose poking” reminds me of Alphond’s daughters…..LOL

Well,lets take some pictures with Zhen Wen’s little pure-neemo cutie.

And one more full shot…sorry about the flash light reflection.

A picture of Hana with Michelle’s Neris at another booth

Then we proceeded to Danny Choo’s booth and saw Alvin’s car.
The girls excitedly went over to take some pictures with the car.

The girls met Marisa Mirai from Indonesia at Danny’s booth….

I wish my girls could cosplay Mirai some day….

Hana : Introducing Marisa from Indonesia….

Neris with Marisa

Ok,back to Yu Chann’s booth

Hana : Look at this nice back drop at Yu Chann’s booth.

And here we have some friends from HongKong….the girls posing at the stage frame.

Back to the girls…

They have got some coke and beer from Edwin gor-gor(“gor-gor” meaning : brother)
I was surprised that the bottles are actually lighters. That’s cool!

Hana : Yeah,we have got some coke and beer….no…no…Neris,you are too young,thus not suppose to drink alcoholic drinks.

Its soon mid afternoon,its time to go back to do some last preparations for my other girls.
We left the booth after saying goodbye to the friends,then went to the airport for a quick bite.

Neris : Sushi….Neris’s favorite…I am starving

It started to rain heavily,so we stopped by at the airport Terminal 3 for some pictures before heading home.

Hana : The airplane…the last time i went on the plane was few months ago,going to HongKong for Dollism Plus 7 with mummy.

Hana : Look,the airplane is taking off….
Neris : Wave Goodbye

The girls enjoyed viewing the taking off and landing of the aeroplanes during the rainy day…but well girls,we have got to go,there are lots of last minute work to be done….the girls went back into the doll bag then we headed home.

Other AFASG 2012 Related Posts and Pictures :

  • My girls & friends at AFASG 2012
  • 10 Nov 2012 – AFASG 2012 (Day 1)
  • 11 Nov 2012 – AFASG 2012 (Day 2)
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