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My girls & friends at AFASG 2012

Oops,these reports and pictures were supposed to be completed last week however i was having a flu since AFASG ended. Hope to be able to complete at least three reports before end of this week.

I just put up the post about Preparations for AFASG last night.
As for this post,it would be mainly about of my girls and friends. We will be sharing the pictures that they took with some of their friends during the two days event.

Reports and pictures of AFASG Day 1 and Day 2 would be done in another two separate post….and would be up soon.

Let’s get started…..Introducing our main character….

She is Yu Chann,the main character of Fujiwara Yukino booth.

Our little mischievous Yu Chann climbed her way up to the top of the stage frame.

AFASG Day 1 @ Singapore Expo Hall 7

Here are our girls and their outfits on the first day of the event.

(sitting down from screen left) Michelle’s Akira, My Mariko
(standing front row,from screen left)Michelle’s Neris, My Neris, My Hana
(standing back row,from screen left)Michelle’s Saber Fate Extra, My Saber Alter, Michelle’s Yukino

Specially introducing my Neris sweetie to everyone. She is the second sister in my DD household,wearing a wedding gown designed and hand-made by me. This is very first “complete” set of outfit with veil,gloves,bracelets and necklace. Its my first time making so many accessories to match my hand-made outfit,thus i was kind of amazed by myself….LOL

Neris in my handmade wedding gown and accessories.

The picture below is Michelle’s Neris,wearing a gown with hair accessory made by her mummy.

Hand-made gown and hair accessory by Michelle.

Here’s our two beautiful Saber bride in their beautiful wedding gowns….

Michelle’s Saber Fate Extra and my Saber Alter sweetie

An individual shot of Saber Alter in her wedding dress

And here’s Hana,in her new outfit that i bought specially for this event.

My cute little princess, Hana

This is Yukino….She is Michelle’s eldest girl in her DD family.

Michelle’s eldest girl Yukino in her wedding dress

Not forgetting our two new ladies whom just recently came to join our DD family….Akira and Mariko

Michelle’s youngest girl Akira with my youngest sweetie Mariko

Another picture of Mariko with Akira…

Mariko in the cute bee head dress that i borrowed from Minggang.

Mariko is such a cutie in this little bee head dress….

Mariko with Sephora’s Saber Fate Extra

Akira with Sephora’s Saber….extremely gorgeous with the big red wings

Akira and Mariko with Wenjun’s little girl (Sorry about the blur image)

Here’s Hana with Minggang’s bear plushie and Yuki(not sure about who her owner is,so sorry…)

Hana : This bear is cute…can i bring it home with me?

I was hoping to place all the Neris together for a group picture…
However,on the first day,we only managed to put our two Neris with Minggang’s Neris together for a picture.

My Neris with Michelle’s Neris and Minggang’s Neris

AFASG Day 2 @ Singapore Expo Hall 7

During the second day,the girls have changed into their new kimono while our twin Neris are still in our hand-made wedding gowns.

Saber and Hana in their new kimono

An individual shot of Michelle’s Saber in the beautiful red kimono

Akira in her light blue kimono

Michelle’s three daughters…Neris,Akira and Saber

And once again,the Neris twins in their hand-made wedding gown.

We managed to put my Neris,together with Michelle’s,Minggang’s,Furry’s and Alphond’s,altogether five Neris in a row.
And we have two Mashiro from Tony and Furry standing together as well.

Our Neris with Minggang’s Neris, Tony’s Mashiro and Furry’s Mashiro

Featuring the five Neris in the following picture with daughters of other friends.

In the middle row,we have five Neris in a row.
(From the screen left) Michelle’s Neris,Minggang’s Neris,My Neris,Furry’s Neris and Alphond’s Neris

My girls did not get to stand beside Yu Chann those two days,thus do not have a picture with her.
This is just an individual shot of Yu Chann….

Yu Chann with her new name card (Day 1)

Other AFASG 2012 Related Posts and Pictures :

  • Preparations for AFASG
  • 10 Nov 2012 – AFASG 2012 (Day 1)
  • 11 Nov 2012 – AFASG 2012 (Day 2)
  • Special Thanks to Alvin (Yu Chann’s daddy) from http://www.fujiwarayukino.com/,
    thank you for making this awesome event by putting in so much hardwork,time and effort.

    Thank you so much Minggang,Sephora,Wen Jun,Zhen Wen,Edwin for lending their daughters or props for photo-taking.
    And also thank you Alphond,Furry and Tony for letting us place the girls together for the photo-taking.

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