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[HKDP8] Dollfie Dream @ HongKong Dollism Plus 8 – Day 1

I am Little Haruka,this is my first time attending an overseas doll event with my mummy and my sister Yuki…..also not forgetting Aunty Michelle and her girl….also Yuki whom is my “god-sister”.

Due to the large amount of pictures,i would be covering only Dollfie Dream and a mixture of some other Anime related dolls in this post. Blythe,SD dolls and other BJD dolls would be covered in another two different posts. As not all photographs turn out well,i might have missed out some Dollfie Dream girls,so sorry about that.
大家好,我是香香(天海春香)。這是我首次跟隨著我麻麻和由綺姐姐一同到香港旅行及出席一年一次的大型娃展“HongKong Dollism Plus 8”。隨行的還有Michelle阿姨和她家的由綺(我的乾姐姐)。

由於這次娃展的照片很多,這篇網誌只是包含了Dollfie Dream部份的照片,小布,SD娃及其他BJD娃的照片將會分別post在另外兩篇不同的網誌。非常抱歉,由於將一些效果不佳的照片抽出,可能會漏掉一些娃。

Event : HongKong Dollism Plus 8 (Day 1)
Date: 13 July 2013
Time: 11:30am-6:00pm
Aveue: 3rd Floor, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre | 九龍灣國際展貿中心三樓

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[HKDP8 Afterevent] Its all about ‘Sharing’

HongKong Dollism Plus 8(HKDP8) has came to an end,we have just came back from HongKong last evening.
Yuki and Haruka being this year’s “representatives” to attend the event on all my girls’ behalf brought the loots back to share with the rest of their sisters whom could not make it to that event.
(Sorry about the messy background)

The girls gathered on the bed to distribute the loots from this year’s HKDP8…

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A lot to catch up….

Just came back from HongKong last night ~ our 5 days trip has came to an end.

Past few months were extremely busy period for us,thus the blog updates had also been slowed down.
Now,as the Hongkong Dollism Plus 8(HKDP8) two-days event is over,its time for us to “catch-up” with all the blog posts.

There were tons of pictures waiting to be edited….pictures of Universal Studios Singapore and Sea Aquarium that we took last month and almost a thousand of pictures taken in HongKong. I guess these would keep us busy for the next couple of days.

昨晚剛剛從香港回返新加坡 。。。 旅行結束了,又是“開工”的時候了!

前幾個月一直很忙,因此拖慢了更新網誌的進度,現在隨著香港Dollism Plus 8(HKDP8)的結束,也是時候把之前漏掉的網誌填補回來了。

[Sentosa Adventure Part Two] Dollfie USS Experience

We have been looking forward to today’s outing….finally we are at Resorts World Sentosa(RWS),heading towards the entrance of Universal Studios Singapore.

This is Yuki,i have Mashiro with me as well. Both of us would be your tour guides,bringing you around Universal Studios Singapore(USS) and S.E.A. Aquarium today. Now we are at the entrance of Universal Studios Singapore,ready to start our adventurous tour.

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May 2013 – Shopping Month?

Stuffs from Taobao,Volks,Dollmore,Crobidoll and Coolcat…..Gosh,is May 2013 a shopping month??
It has been six or seven months since we lastly bought so many things within a month.

淘寶,V社,Dollmore,Crobidoll 加 Coolcat,這個5月份成了狂購物月了。已經好久沒有買這麼多娃衣與配件給女兒們了,這個月真是大出血了!


A parcel from Crobidolls Korea has just arrived….

Mariko,Hana and Haruka were watching tv in the living room when the deliveryman came to deliver the parcel.

Mariko : This is already the 4th parcel this month,I wonder what is inside?
Haruka : Haruka wants to know if there is anything for me inside this parcel…
Hana : Quick,lets get a pen knife or scissors to open it.

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4 May 2013 – Yuki meets Neris

It has been a couple of months since we have last updated this blog.
We have been busy with the making of some doll outfits…and partially,due to the hot weather,we have postponed a couple of shootings.

Today we were at Pan Pacific Hotel for a lunch buffet.
Knowing that there is a beautiful Japanese style garden in the hotel,we decided to bring the DD girls along for a short photo shooting session. We had brought our Blythe dolls there for photo shoot before,unfortuantely the Blythe pictures turned out badly. We shall try again today….


Our models for today are : Michelle’s Neris and a new girl whom arrived on my birthday to join the family. She is my 6th girl,Yuki Morikawa. Its her first outing with me.

今天的兩位“模特兒”是。。。。。Michelle的二女兒Neris,而另一位是第一次出現在部落格的新面孔 ~ 我家的“六妹 - Yuki Morikawa”

正式給大家介紹,我家的“六妹 Yuki”

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