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My girls & friends at AFASG 2012

Oops,these reports and pictures were supposed to be completed last week however i was having a flu since AFASG ended. Hope to be able to complete at least three reports before end of this week.

I just put up the post about Preparations for AFASG last night.
As for this post,it would be mainly about of my girls and friends. We will be sharing the pictures that they took with some of their friends during the two days event.

Reports and pictures of AFASG Day 1 and Day 2 would be done in another two separate post….and would be up soon.

Let’s get started…..Introducing our main character….

She is Yu Chann,the main character of Fujiwara Yukino booth.

Our little mischievous Yu Chann climbed her way up to the top of the stage frame.

AFASG Day 1 @ Singapore Expo Hall 7

Here are our girls and their outfits on the first day of the event.

(sitting down from screen left) Michelle’s Akira, My Mariko
(standing front row,from screen left)Michelle’s Neris, My Neris, My Hana
(standing back row,from screen left)Michelle’s Saber Fate Extra, My Saber Alter, Michelle’s Yukino

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Preparations for AFASG

Its a day before AFASG 2012,everyone were busy with their final preparations….dolling up the themselves and the dollfies,setting up the booth etc.

We are here….at Singapore Expo today to assist Alvin with his daughter “Fujiwara Yukino” booth to do some minor touch up.

Before meeting up with the gang,we hanged around Changi Point,then Hana saw this….

At Changi Point

Hana : Hey mummy,look at this,its two gigantic Sylvanian Families figurines.

Hana : And look at their guitar,its huge too.

Hana : They are so adorable,can i buy some home? I want that one!!!

Luckily that shop was closed since it was only 9.00am,if not it would surely cost me a huge damage.
I already have tons of these lying around,i guess i do not have room for more….

Then the mobile phone rang just at the right time….the guys have arrived,its time to get to work…

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DDS Melty from Shining Hearts

DDS Melty from Shining Hearts is coming out soon!
Came across a picture of her in volks blog,she looks pretty adorable in that outfit and huge hat.

Comparing her with Neris and Sakuya whom were also characters of Shining Hearts,they seem to share some similarities. From the picture below,her smile looks quite like Neris while her eyes looks like Sakuya. They look like three sisters…how i wish i have the three of them…hmm…should i participate in the upcoming lottery?Have not tried the online lottery before,hope i would be lucky enough to win her.

又被這個新DDS Melty妹妹電到了!

Source of pictures : http://www.volks.co.jp/ and http://ameblo.jp/blog-dd/

In love with Ms Mariko

This is the girl…..Other than Yuki and Saber Lily,she is the other one on the Top 3 of my DD wish list all these while.

I missed the lottery for her because at that period of time,my concentration was not very much on DD. At that point of time,even Mia(Yukino) was left on the table,untouched for a couple of weeks or perhaps months. When i came realized that Mariko is extremely adorable,it was too late…the prices on japan auctions already raised rapidly.

I am almost in the mist of giving up until i saw someone selling her at 50k yen yesterday. Its was a second-hand doll,and without a complete set of accessories,her wig is also missing,but i was still keen to try my luck to see if she could be mine. However after calculating the expensive agent fees and double shipment costs,i started to hesitate,especially not knowing how much would the auction end,if its going to end 80k yen like the recent few auctions,the agent fee is going to cost a big bomb….

Not able to decide,i surfed around other sites hoping to find something else. In the end i came across one more on Mandarake Nakano shop. That one comes with a complete set,and condition looks quite perfect. I started to love her more and more when i stared at those pictures….her adorable expression,innocent eyes….oh no,i am getting very desperate to adopt her….

I thought Saber Alter was suppose to be the last for the time being….for at least this year,but i just could not resist….

I know i am being silly….every time i decided to close my eyes,i would start to think of her,in the end,i could hardly sleep last night. I know i needed to get over this soon or i could not have put full concentration on my doll clothes design and sewing.





當時接了四妹Saber Alter,不是已經決定要“收手”了嗎?我的定力怎麼那麼差勁呀??




[30/09/12] Mid-Autumn Festival Mini Doll Meet

Had a mini doll meet with Michelle’s girls to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival,which also known as the Mooncake Festival.

The other purpose for this doll meet is to do some “minor operations” for the girls. However in this post,we would only concentrate on the Doll Meet portion,the minor operations would be moved to another individual post.

Back to the Doll Meet….

First time meeting each other,both Saber girls took some close-up shots at the balcony.

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[28/09/12] The arrival of another parcel

Its a sunny afternoon today.
The girls were playing in the bedroom when the delivery man came to deliver a parcel containing some items from Volks.
I signed for the parcel and left it on the day bed and went to the kitchen to prepare some food….

The girls came out from the bedroom and saw the big parcel lying on the day bed…

Neris : Hmm….a parcel just arrived again??
Hana : This is quite a big box,i wondered if it contains those stuffs that we bought from online recently?
Saber : Hana,can’t you see that invoice issued on the parcel?? Its from Volks!

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