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[23/09/12] My first DDIII ~ Saber Alter

Today,i would like to “officially” introduce my 4th daughter Saber Alter to everyone. As it was late evening when i received her,the previous set of pictures did not turn out well. I re-take some pictures of her again this afternoon. The pictures turn out much better than the previous time,thus brightness and colors editing are not required.

Saber Alter,my 4th girl … She is the only one with DD body III among my four girls.

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[17/09/12] The Grand Opening Box Ceremony

Finally got it for such a long waiting.

Remembered getting “this” from Yahoo Japan on the 17 July,and today is 17 September,its exactly two months….
Here she comes….

And the story goes….

Neris : Hey Hana….look at this
Hana : Why is there a huge parcel here? I wondered what is inside?

Neris : Could it be those clothing and accessories we bought from taobao recently?
Hana : Hmm,i don’t think those items would arrive so soon,and clothing are not “fragile”….

Neris : Lets open it and see….
Hana : Ok….I am pretty excited to see what is inside,but would mummy scold us for not asking her permission before opening it?
Neris : I think she deliberately left it here for us.

Then the two girls opened the huge box….

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[12/09/12] High tea at St Regis

Its my second time bringing Neris along with me for high tea.
We are having high tea at St Regis Hotel this time.

Neris in her new outfit which i recently got from Volks.

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Neris got promoted…..

Lets see…..

What are Neris-chan and Hana-chan doing now in front of their lap-top?
Oops,looks like they are busy with their online shopping again …

Chinese Summary :
今天做了一個全新嘗試,就是為Neris換上今天下午剛送到的L size胸部。

This post is not really about their online shopping,although they did receive a lot of new clothes and accessories these two months….ever since the day we started shopping on taobao

Just received the L shapely bust and DDS body frame from Volks today, the wig and the outfit came from other two earlier separate shipments which i shared with some friends.

New outfit,wig and doll parts from Volks for my girls

Got the L shapely bust specially for Neris.
She is officially “promoted” from M to L today.
Since Saber Alter 2 is a DDIII M bust,i decided to change Neris to L so that she could share the L/DY clothes with Hana.
Moreover,L size is a perfect model for my hand-made wedding gowns,from now i’ll have two beautiful daughters as my models.

I hope these close up shots did not “affect” some of my dear friends and blog visitors.

Took about half an hour to change the chest….
Removing both arms,then the head…..some twisting and pulling of the chest piece which took quite a while.
(I should have taken pictures of the procedures…well,next time,since i still need to repair Hana’s body soon, her neck part spring has loosen,i need to replace a new neck joint from Coolcat.)

It is my first time removing these joint/parts from a DD,was quite worried that i might break her waist frame if i were to use too much strength. Fortunately i managed to complete the task without breaking any parts.

Putting the new chest and the arms back are much easier than removing them,took less than 5 minutes.

Presenting my two L bust Dollfie Dream girls ~ Neris & Hana

Taken with camera flash light,looks as if they were using the lap-top in the dark.

[Handmade] First wedding gown for DD

Preview of my newly made wedding gown for DD Hana. After spending a couple of weeks on the sewing,finally managed to complete about 50% of the gown. Hopefully the final design would look good after completing the gloves,veil and other accessories.

以往都是為小布製作婚紗晚裝,第一次挑戰三分的尺寸為Dollfie Dream縫製婚紗,製作了幾個星期,目前完成了一半左右,還有頭紗,手套之類的配件未完成,希望整體的效果會不錯。

In love with this new outfit

可是剛剛在看這個部落格的時候 :http://ameblo.jp/blog-dd/entry-11335063741.html


