Akira was very happy to visit Gardens By The Bay! This is her very first outing with Mummy since she first join the family. Mummy has to say sorry to the other girls cos Mummy can only bring along 1 girl with her, and that’s me! heeee…..
It was a sunny hot day that day and this helps greatly in Mummy’s photo shooting. The Flower Dome welcomes a season of plenty as the Flower Field transforms with splashes of orange, yellow and red in the latest Autumn Harvest display. The view during daytime and night time is very different. Must try to get Mummy to go there again during night time the next time for a different kind of feel and view.
For more information on Gardens by the Bay, you can visit their website. http://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/en/home.html
As there are too many photos, please visit my Flicker’s album for more photos.
And now, let the adventure begins! Yeah!
After some walk from the main entrance, we’re at The Canopy. This is a rest area, connecting both “The Cloud Forest” and ” The Flower Dome” here. This is also the place where you buy your tickets for entrance to the 2 domes. You can also find some lockers nearby so that you can deposit your bags and enjoy the scenery at ease.
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