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My 4th daughter – Akira

Finally brought my Akira today. I’ve been “eyeing” her for a long time she is also the current doll which is on my wishlist that is still able to afford, whereas others are “too hard to be reached”, unless I’m very rich. And the best part is, after buying her, I guess i will have to save and scrap for the next coming 1-2 months. LOL….

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[22/09/12] New wedding gown for my girls.

It was a sunny day today and I’ve decided to let my girls wear their wedding gowns and take some pictures of them with the help of the bright sunlight.

First to be featured is my Saber. She is wearing the wedding gown launched by Volks recently. This gown also comes in light blue color. However I still preferred the pure white color set.

May I ask you where is my ring? LOL….

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[16/09/12] Surprise Delivery

The 2 girls were chatting in the living room on a bright sunday afternoon when they heard someone pressing the door bell.

**Ding Dong. Ding Dong**

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