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Category: Mini Doll Meet

Happy “Snake” Year

I was supposed to complete this blog post last week,however i delayed again and again because i was busy making a new doll wedding gown.
Till today,the last day of Chinese New Year celebration,i know i have got to get it done.
I have consolidated all pictures taken during different days of CNY into one post.


My ancient beauty, Hana would like to wish everyone a very Happy “Snake” Year!

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Gown Modeling

I always like to dress my girls in beautiful white wedding gowns so that they would look like little princesses.

Just received the inner skirts of the gowns recently,so i let the girls try them on with their gowns.
I was supposed to bring the girls for outdoor photo shooting with their gowns,however i was not feeling well these few days,so i would have to postpone it. The pictures are rather simple this time,taken from only one angle and having only background of my living room. I would update more pictures from different angles and sceneries once i am done with the outdoor shooting….hopefully could get it done soon….because the gowns and inner skirts are very big,not too sure if i could bring them out,i would need huge bags perhaps….LOL



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Preparations for AFASG

Its a day before AFASG 2012,everyone were busy with their final preparations….dolling up the themselves and the dollfies,setting up the booth etc.

We are here….at Singapore Expo today to assist Alvin with his daughter “Fujiwara Yukino” booth to do some minor touch up.

Before meeting up with the gang,we hanged around Changi Point,then Hana saw this….

At Changi Point

Hana : Hey mummy,look at this,its two gigantic Sylvanian Families figurines.

Hana : And look at their guitar,its huge too.

Hana : They are so adorable,can i buy some home? I want that one!!!

Luckily that shop was closed since it was only 9.00am,if not it would surely cost me a huge damage.
I already have tons of these lying around,i guess i do not have room for more….

Then the mobile phone rang just at the right time….the guys have arrived,its time to get to work…

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[30/09/12] Mid-Autumn Festival Mini Doll Meet

Had a mini doll meet with Michelle’s girls to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival,which also known as the Mooncake Festival.

The other purpose for this doll meet is to do some “minor operations” for the girls. However in this post,we would only concentrate on the Doll Meet portion,the minor operations would be moved to another individual post.

Back to the Doll Meet….

First time meeting each other,both Saber girls took some close-up shots at the balcony.

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