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Category: My Blythe

Hong Kong Dollism Plus 9 (HKDP9) – Our Booth

The Bly Couture 進軍香港啦!今年第一次到香港的HKDP9參展。2天的DP, 我們選擇了參與第一天,19日那場。



The Bly Couture has made its first display and sale booth at Hong Kong Dollism Plus 9 (HKDP9) this year. We have chosen to attend the first day of the event, on the 19 of July 2014.

We had 5 sets of DD & 1 set of blythe gowns for display for that day. Initially we had planned to do 8 sets of DD gowns, but due to tight schedules, we only managed to complete only 5 sets. We will like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has visited our booth and to all the buyers who have purchased our work. Thank you for liking our designs. We will definitely work harder to produce more doll outfits in the near future.

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[HKDP8] Blythe @ HongKong Dollism Plus 8

Comparing to last year’s HongKong Dollism Plus 7,glad to see there are a lot more booths featuring and selling Blythe stuffs at this year’s HongKong Dollism Plus 8. However,assuming there would not be much Blythe stuffs,i only brought my 1/3 size and 1/4 size girls with me, leaving all my Blythe babies at home….oops…..
These are the pictures that we have taken during the two days,please click on the thumbnails if you would like to view a larger version of the pictures.

與去年的HongKong Dollism Plus 7比較,今年多了很多小布的蹤影,有比較多攤位售賣小布的娃衣與飾品。以為不會看到太多的小布,今年我就只是帶了三分與四分娃隨行,並沒有帶同我家的小布寶貝一起去。
以下是兩日結合的HongKong Dollism Plus 8“小布篇”。。。。(為了縮短頁面的長度,大部份的照片都縮成小圖。。。請按小圖放大照片)

13 July 2013 – Day 1

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[10/10/12] Hi Tea Session

The girls were enjoying their afternoon hi tea session, with freshly baked assorted breads and a cup of hot tea, coffee & chocolate drink. The breads just looks so nice and tasty, isn’t it? Akira was not able to join the other 3 girls as she has went out for sun tanning. lol.

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