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Category: My Dollfie Dream

Japan Trip – Visit to Volks Osaka & Tokyo

Beside attending Dolpa, we also went to Volks outlet located in Osaka and  Tokyo. At Osaks Volks, we are only allowed to take photos at their designated photo booth, so we brought our girls for a photo shoot.

Tamaki is well loved by the animals in the forest!

* Click on the thumbnail to view larger resolution.
* 大家可點擊圖片觀賞更大的像素的照片。


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Dolpa Osaka 9

Event / 活動 : Dolpa Osaka 9
Date / 日期 : 06 August 2017
Time / 時間 : 11.30am
Venue / 地點 : Intex Osaka

* Click on the thumbnail to view larger resolution.
* 大家可點擊圖片觀賞更大的像素的照片。

This is the first time that we are attending a doll event in Japan. We were lucky that we managed to buy the X-Pass from Volks website for this doll show, and due to the extreme hot weather in Osaka this time round, Volks has decided to let X-Pass holders entered the venue slightly earlier than the anticipated time.

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Hong Kong Disneyland 2014

Twins Lily make a trip to Hong Kong at the end of Nov for a short holiday getaway. We went to visit some friends in Hong Kong and then make a trip to Disneyland during the last 2 days of our trip before coming back. So lets us now enjoy the Magical trip with Twins Yuki!

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Japan Trip 2014 – Hokkaido Sapporo

Lily & Yuki will be continuing their Japan trip and we will be moving to Hokkaido, Sapporo. We will be staying there for a few days and then will be making their trip back to Singapore. Let’s us now continue our adventure!

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Japan Trip 2014 – Tokyo Disneysea & Disneyland

Yuki & Lily is going to a trip. And we’re going to Japan this time round!

We’ll be first touching down at Tokyo and making a trip to Disneysea and Disneyland. After which, we will be moving up to Sapporo, Hokkaido.

We travelled via ANA night flight and will reached Japan the next morning. But travelling on a night flight can be tiring as one might not be able to catch some sleep on the plane. But the girls are having fun on the plane.

Yuki和莉莉去旅行啦! 這次他們去了他們的家鄉, 日本! 我們首先會去東京迪士尼海洋和東京迪士尼樂園玩兩天,之後再起程去到北海道。我們呈搭ANA夜晚的班機,隔天早上就會到大日本。不過呈搭晚上的班機還挺累人的,但是兩個小瓜還真是興奮喔,一點都不覺得累,還真是拿他們沒有辦法。

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[HKDP9] HongKong Dollism Plus 9 (Day 1)

We would usually attend HongKong Dollism Plus as customers,however this year,we got a booth to sell our own hand-sew doll outfits. As we only have two person at our booth,we do not get much chances to drop by other booths for shopping or to take pictures. The pictures taken on the first day of HKDP9 is much lesser comparing to the past years,we only have about 30 pics excluding Blythe doll pics which would be posted in a separate post.

Event : HongKong Dollism Plus 9 (Day 1)
Date: 19 July 2014
Time: 11:30am-6:00pm
Aveue: 3rd Floor, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre | 九龍灣國際展貿中心三樓

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