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Category: New stuffs for DD

[HKDP8 Afterevent] Its all about ‘Sharing’

HongKong Dollism Plus 8(HKDP8) has came to an end,we have just came back from HongKong last evening.
Yuki and Haruka being this year’s “representatives” to attend the event on all my girls’ behalf brought the loots back to share with the rest of their sisters whom could not make it to that event.
(Sorry about the messy background)

The girls gathered on the bed to distribute the loots from this year’s HKDP8…

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May 2013 – Shopping Month?

Stuffs from Taobao,Volks,Dollmore,Crobidoll and Coolcat…..Gosh,is May 2013 a shopping month??
It has been six or seven months since we lastly bought so many things within a month.

淘寶,V社,Dollmore,Crobidoll 加 Coolcat,這個5月份成了狂購物月了。已經好久沒有買這麼多娃衣與配件給女兒們了,這個月真是大出血了!


A parcel from Crobidolls Korea has just arrived….

Mariko,Hana and Haruka were watching tv in the living room when the deliveryman came to deliver the parcel.

Mariko : This is already the 4th parcel this month,I wonder what is inside?
Haruka : Haruka wants to know if there is anything for me inside this parcel…
Hana : Quick,lets get a pen knife or scissors to open it.

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[10/10/12] Hi Tea Session

The girls were enjoying their afternoon hi tea session, with freshly baked assorted breads and a cup of hot tea, coffee & chocolate drink. The breads just looks so nice and tasty, isn’t it? Akira was not able to join the other 3 girls as she has went out for sun tanning. lol.

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[28/09/12] The arrival of another parcel

Its a sunny afternoon today.
The girls were playing in the bedroom when the delivery man came to deliver a parcel containing some items from Volks.
I signed for the parcel and left it on the day bed and went to the kitchen to prepare some food….

The girls came out from the bedroom and saw the big parcel lying on the day bed…

Neris : Hmm….a parcel just arrived again??
Hana : This is quite a big box,i wondered if it contains those stuffs that we bought from online recently?
Saber : Hana,can’t you see that invoice issued on the parcel?? Its from Volks!

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Neris got promoted…..

Lets see…..

What are Neris-chan and Hana-chan doing now in front of their lap-top?
Oops,looks like they are busy with their online shopping again …

Chinese Summary :
今天做了一個全新嘗試,就是為Neris換上今天下午剛送到的L size胸部。

This post is not really about their online shopping,although they did receive a lot of new clothes and accessories these two months….ever since the day we started shopping on taobao

Just received the L shapely bust and DDS body frame from Volks today, the wig and the outfit came from other two earlier separate shipments which i shared with some friends.

New outfit,wig and doll parts from Volks for my girls

Got the L shapely bust specially for Neris.
She is officially “promoted” from M to L today.
Since Saber Alter 2 is a DDIII M bust,i decided to change Neris to L so that she could share the L/DY clothes with Hana.
Moreover,L size is a perfect model for my hand-made wedding gowns,from now i’ll have two beautiful daughters as my models.

I hope these close up shots did not “affect” some of my dear friends and blog visitors.

Took about half an hour to change the chest….
Removing both arms,then the head…..some twisting and pulling of the chest piece which took quite a while.
(I should have taken pictures of the procedures…well,next time,since i still need to repair Hana’s body soon, her neck part spring has loosen,i need to replace a new neck joint from Coolcat.)

It is my first time removing these joint/parts from a DD,was quite worried that i might break her waist frame if i were to use too much strength. Fortunately i managed to complete the task without breaking any parts.

Putting the new chest and the arms back are much easier than removing them,took less than 5 minutes.

Presenting my two L bust Dollfie Dream girls ~ Neris & Hana

Taken with camera flash light,looks as if they were using the lap-top in the dark.