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Category: My Dollfie Dream

[HKDP9] HongKong Dollism Plus 9 (Day 2)

Event : HongKong Dollism Plus 9 (Day 2)
Date: 20 July 2014
Time: 11:30am-6:00pm
Venue: Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre | 九龍灣國際展貿中心三樓

Attending this annual event in Hong Kong every year is definitely an eye opener for all doll collectors. Besides making friends with other new collectors and sellers, this event often creates a chance and platform for all other collectors to catch up with each other as well. I’m really happy to catch up with other overseas collectors and also at the same time, made friends with other! Special edition dolls, accessories and doll clothes are often sold during the event. As we’re having our own booth this year, we didn’t have much time to go around taking much photos on the first day. So we have merge the 2 days event photos together. So let’s go for HKDP9 tour now!

每年的 HongKong Dollism Plus, 我都覺得是讓所有娃親大開眼界的一次。除了能看到很多不同種類的DD, BJD娃之外,他們的造型也是千變萬化的。不管是賣家,還是參與者,除了參與這個一年一度的活動之外,許多收藏家也會接著這個機會和來自不同國家的朋友們聚一聚。活動上也有售賣限量版的BJD娃,或者其他相關物品。事不宜遲,現在就隨我們去看一看吧!

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Hong Kong Dollism Plus 9 (HKDP9) – Our Booth

The Bly Couture 進軍香港啦!今年第一次到香港的HKDP9參展。2天的DP, 我們選擇了參與第一天,19日那場。



The Bly Couture has made its first display and sale booth at Hong Kong Dollism Plus 9 (HKDP9) this year. We have chosen to attend the first day of the event, on the 19 of July 2014.

We had 5 sets of DD & 1 set of blythe gowns for display for that day. Initially we had planned to do 8 sets of DD gowns, but due to tight schedules, we only managed to complete only 5 sets. We will like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has visited our booth and to all the buyers who have purchased our work. Thank you for liking our designs. We will definitely work harder to produce more doll outfits in the near future.

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Wonderful New Year 2014

Last evening,my mum received a new year gift from a boutique which consists of a flower decor,a bottle of wine and a card. The flower decor is extremely beautiful and i find it very suitable to be my picture background. So today,i took a couple of pictures of Yuki with the flower decor.
On the last day of 2013,we would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year 2014! Hope year 2014 would be a wonderful year for all of us.

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2013 Christmas Outdoor Shooting

Yes! It is the time of the year! Well, I think Christmas is one of the festive holiday that everyone looks forward to. Pretty lightings, nice food, presents that everyone looks forward to.

Just the weekend before Christmas, Lily and myself, together with our mummies, we went for a christmas photo shoot at Orchard Road. The theme for this year 2013 is blue color. Along the road of Orchard Road, it will be decorated with nice lightings. Shopping centers have also put on beautiful decorations items for the festival. We’re so excited that our mummies are so helpless cos we just cannot concentrate and looks at the camera. So come on and join us while we take a walk down orchard road.


又是一年一度的聖誕節啦!我想聖誕節是其中一個大家向往的節日吧!漂亮的燈飾和聖誕樹,美食佳餚和許許多多的禮物。在剛過的周六,我和莉莉還有我們的媽咪去了烏節路。今年的燈飾藍色為主題。街道都懸掛著靚麗的燈飾和擺設,各大購物商場也披上了漂亮的“服裝”。我們開心到拍照都不能專心,我們的媽咪都好無奈,哈哈哈。現在就隨我們一起來感受一下聖誕的氣息吧! 走!

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Merry Christmas & A Happy New 2014

It has been almost 2 months since we last updated our blog….these couple of months were our busiest time of the year,preparing as many hand-made outfits as we could for our upcoming debut sale in 2014.

Time flies,year 2013 is coming to an end very soon…..in this holiday seasons,we would like to wish all dearest friends “Merry Christmas and A Very Wonderful New Year”!
The following four Xmas card pictures were made from pics of our last Saturday’s photo shoot at Orchard Road,hope you’ll like them.
(Please click on the pictures to view the enlarge versions)
送上了幾張前天在烏節路外拍,經過一些加工的聖誕圖圖,希望大家會喜歡 ^o^

The Elegance of the Luxurious

Previously,some friends were keen to see more pictures of the accessories of this gown.
This time,we only brought this set of hand-made wedding gown along with us for this photo shoot.
However…..its not a full set….I was running late that morning,thus i missed out the corset and arm accessories.
Please refer to the previous set of pictures which was the same gown but modeled by Yuki.

The top picture is with a short skirt and hair bow,however the corset is missing from this picture,i forgot to bring it along.
The following picture is with the long wedding gown skirt and veil.

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