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Category: My Dollfie Dream

Akira’s Visit to Garden By The Bay

Akira was very happy to visit Gardens By The Bay! This is her very first outing with Mummy since she first join the family. Mummy has to say sorry to the other girls cos Mummy can only bring along 1 girl with her, and that’s me! heeee…..

It was a sunny hot day that day and this helps greatly in Mummy’s photo shooting. The Flower Dome welcomes a season of plenty as the Flower Field transforms with splashes of orange, yellow and red in the latest Autumn Harvest display. The view during daytime and night time is very different. Must try to get Mummy to go there again during night time the next time for a different kind of feel and view.

For more information on Gardens by the Bay, you can visit their website. http://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/en/home.html

As there are too many photos, please visit my Flicker’s album for more photos.

And now, let the adventure begins! Yeah!

After some walk from the main entrance, we’re at The Canopy. This is a rest area, connecting both “The Cloud Forest” and ” The Flower Dome” here. This is also the place where you buy your tickets for entrance to the 2 domes. You can also find some lockers nearby so that you can deposit your bags and enjoy the scenery at ease.

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Happy Halloween to everyone

A happy halloween to everyone out there. Took Aikira to Gardens by the Bay for a photo shoot and since Halloween is round the corner, Akira took some pics with the Halloween deco at the flower dome.

Gardens by the Bay is one of the newest attraction in Singapore, located at Marina Bay. For more info, you may visit their website. http://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/en/home.html

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[10/10/12] Hi Tea Session

The girls were enjoying their afternoon hi tea session, with freshly baked assorted breads and a cup of hot tea, coffee & chocolate drink. The breads just looks so nice and tasty, isn’t it? Akira was not able to join the other 3 girls as she has went out for sun tanning. lol.

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[Tutorial] How to change DDII body bust and neck joint

The girls were chit chatting on a hot & sunny afternoon and they decided to persuade Yukino to do a bust size upgrade.

Yukino was still wondering if she should but after the girls and Mummy have ensured that it will be a safe “operation”, she has finally agreed.

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[02/10/12] Arrival of my 4th daughter, Akira

When mummy comes home from work today, the 3 girls were holding a big box from DHL which arrived this afternoon. The girls has been wondering what is in the box and has been talking about it since afternoon. Finally when Mummy comes home, they are all ready to help Mummy with the unpacking……

Mummy, Mummy! U got a parcel today!!!! See.

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In love with Ms Mariko

This is the girl…..Other than Yuki and Saber Lily,she is the other one on the Top 3 of my DD wish list all these while.

I missed the lottery for her because at that period of time,my concentration was not very much on DD. At that point of time,even Mia(Yukino) was left on the table,untouched for a couple of weeks or perhaps months. When i came realized that Mariko is extremely adorable,it was too late…the prices on japan auctions already raised rapidly.

I am almost in the mist of giving up until i saw someone selling her at 50k yen yesterday. Its was a second-hand doll,and without a complete set of accessories,her wig is also missing,but i was still keen to try my luck to see if she could be mine. However after calculating the expensive agent fees and double shipment costs,i started to hesitate,especially not knowing how much would the auction end,if its going to end 80k yen like the recent few auctions,the agent fee is going to cost a big bomb….

Not able to decide,i surfed around other sites hoping to find something else. In the end i came across one more on Mandarake Nakano shop. That one comes with a complete set,and condition looks quite perfect. I started to love her more and more when i stared at those pictures….her adorable expression,innocent eyes….oh no,i am getting very desperate to adopt her….

I thought Saber Alter was suppose to be the last for the time being….for at least this year,but i just could not resist….

I know i am being silly….every time i decided to close my eyes,i would start to think of her,in the end,i could hardly sleep last night. I know i needed to get over this soon or i could not have put full concentration on my doll clothes design and sewing.





當時接了四妹Saber Alter,不是已經決定要“收手”了嗎?我的定力怎麼那麼差勁呀??


