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[HKDP8] Setting off to Hong Kong

12 Jul – Hong Kong here we come!

Hi everyone, this is Yuki, the reporter for HKDP this year. Yeah, we’re going to set off today to Hong Kong today. Mummy and me will be meeting Aunty Fiona at that airport. Together with Fiona Auntie will be Yuki and Haruka. Are you looking forward to the trip like us? Come on and follow us!


7月12日 – 出發到香港啦!


At the Airport  / 在機場

The girls are busy taking photographs at the KOI pond located at Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 3.

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[HKDP8 Afterevent] Its all about ‘Sharing’

HongKong Dollism Plus 8(HKDP8) has came to an end,we have just came back from HongKong last evening.
Yuki and Haruka being this year’s “representatives” to attend the event on all my girls’ behalf brought the loots back to share with the rest of their sisters whom could not make it to that event.
(Sorry about the messy background)

The girls gathered on the bed to distribute the loots from this year’s HKDP8…

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A lot to catch up….

Just came back from HongKong last night ~ our 5 days trip has came to an end.

Past few months were extremely busy period for us,thus the blog updates had also been slowed down.
Now,as the Hongkong Dollism Plus 8(HKDP8) two-days event is over,its time for us to “catch-up” with all the blog posts.

There were tons of pictures waiting to be edited….pictures of Universal Studios Singapore and Sea Aquarium that we took last month and almost a thousand of pictures taken in HongKong. I guess these would keep us busy for the next couple of days.

昨晚剛剛從香港回返新加坡 。。。 旅行結束了,又是“開工”的時候了!

前幾個月一直很忙,因此拖慢了更新網誌的進度,現在隨著香港Dollism Plus 8(HKDP8)的結束,也是時候把之前漏掉的網誌填補回來了。

[Sentosa Adventure Part Three] Dollfie S.E.A. Aquarium

We had our lunch and move on to our next destination. We’re at the S.E.A. Aquarium. It is the world’s largest aquarium accredited by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™. The aquarium contains more than 800 species of marine animals, and the aquarium is home to majestic manta rays, enormous goliath grouper, napoleon wrasse, and other gentle giants of the sea. So now, lets embark on our journey!

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[Sentosa Adventure Part Two] Dollfie USS Experience

We have been looking forward to today’s outing….finally we are at Resorts World Sentosa(RWS),heading towards the entrance of Universal Studios Singapore.

This is Yuki,i have Mashiro with me as well. Both of us would be your tour guides,bringing you around Universal Studios Singapore(USS) and S.E.A. Aquarium today. Now we are at the entrance of Universal Studios Singapore,ready to start our adventurous tour.

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[Sentosa Adventure Part One] Sentosa, here we come!

17 Jun 2013
Hello everyone, this is Mashiro and nice meeting everyone for the first time. Yeah, we’re going on an outing today!!!!! Mummy says we’re going to Sentosa, but she kept it a secret of which part of Sentosa.

Mummy & I will be going via the Sentosa Broadway to meet Aunt Fiona & Yuki.

Sentosa is one of the main places of interest in Singapore. And the latest famous new places in these recent years will be the Universal Studio Singapore and the S.E.A. Aquarium.



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