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My girls & friends at AFASG 2012

Oops,these reports and pictures were supposed to be completed last week however i was having a flu since AFASG ended. Hope to be able to complete at least three reports before end of this week.

I just put up the post about Preparations for AFASG last night.
As for this post,it would be mainly about of my girls and friends. We will be sharing the pictures that they took with some of their friends during the two days event.

Reports and pictures of AFASG Day 1 and Day 2 would be done in another two separate post….and would be up soon.

Let’s get started…..Introducing our main character….

She is Yu Chann,the main character of Fujiwara Yukino booth.

Our little mischievous Yu Chann climbed her way up to the top of the stage frame.

AFASG Day 1 @ Singapore Expo Hall 7

Here are our girls and their outfits on the first day of the event.

(sitting down from screen left) Michelle’s Akira, My Mariko
(standing front row,from screen left)Michelle’s Neris, My Neris, My Hana
(standing back row,from screen left)Michelle’s Saber Fate Extra, My Saber Alter, Michelle’s Yukino

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Preparations for AFASG

Its a day before AFASG 2012,everyone were busy with their final preparations….dolling up the themselves and the dollfies,setting up the booth etc.

We are here….at Singapore Expo today to assist Alvin with his daughter “Fujiwara Yukino” booth to do some minor touch up.

Before meeting up with the gang,we hanged around Changi Point,then Hana saw this….

At Changi Point

Hana : Hey mummy,look at this,its two gigantic Sylvanian Families figurines.

Hana : And look at their guitar,its huge too.

Hana : They are so adorable,can i buy some home? I want that one!!!

Luckily that shop was closed since it was only 9.00am,if not it would surely cost me a huge damage.
I already have tons of these lying around,i guess i do not have room for more….

Then the mobile phone rang just at the right time….the guys have arrived,its time to get to work…

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DDS Melty from Shining Hearts

DDS Melty from Shining Hearts is coming out soon!
Came across a picture of her in volks blog,she looks pretty adorable in that outfit and huge hat.

Comparing her with Neris and Sakuya whom were also characters of Shining Hearts,they seem to share some similarities. From the picture below,her smile looks quite like Neris while her eyes looks like Sakuya. They look like three sisters…how i wish i have the three of them…hmm…should i participate in the upcoming lottery?Have not tried the online lottery before,hope i would be lucky enough to win her.

又被這個新DDS Melty妹妹電到了!

Source of pictures : http://www.volks.co.jp/ and http://ameblo.jp/blog-dd/

Akira’s Visit to Garden By The Bay

Akira was very happy to visit Gardens By The Bay! This is her very first outing with Mummy since she first join the family. Mummy has to say sorry to the other girls cos Mummy can only bring along 1 girl with her, and that’s me! heeee…..

It was a sunny hot day that day and this helps greatly in Mummy’s photo shooting. The Flower Dome welcomes a season of plenty as the Flower Field transforms with splashes of orange, yellow and red in the latest Autumn Harvest display. The view during daytime and night time is very different. Must try to get Mummy to go there again during night time the next time for a different kind of feel and view.

For more information on Gardens by the Bay, you can visit their website. http://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/en/home.html

As there are too many photos, please visit my Flicker’s album for more photos.

And now, let the adventure begins! Yeah!

After some walk from the main entrance, we’re at The Canopy. This is a rest area, connecting both “The Cloud Forest” and ” The Flower Dome” here. This is also the place where you buy your tickets for entrance to the 2 domes. You can also find some lockers nearby so that you can deposit your bags and enjoy the scenery at ease.

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Happy Halloween to everyone

A happy halloween to everyone out there. Took Aikira to Gardens by the Bay for a photo shoot and since Halloween is round the corner, Akira took some pics with the Halloween deco at the flower dome.

Gardens by the Bay is one of the newest attraction in Singapore, located at Marina Bay. For more info, you may visit their website. http://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/en/home.html

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[Handmade] DD Accessories – Necklaces

Good news for all DD collectors! We’re launching our first batch of items for sale today! The necklaces are our creations and designs and we hope you & your dolls will like them. We will be launching more designs and colors in the near future so stay tune to our blog for more updates.

Design A – White color in photo
*Item available in 3 colors: White, Pink, White & Pink.
Price: SGD 2.00 / USD 2.00

Design A –  item available in 3 colors

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