My little Haruka was too tired out for a whole long day of shopping during the first day of HKDP8. She decided to stay back at the hotel to catch some sleep and skipped the second day event…..without the help of my little Haruka Princess,i had to do this HKDP8(Day 2) on my own.
At first we almost wanted to skip Day 2 as well,since we were quite reluctant to wake up early. We only bought Day 1 tickets in advance as we were unsure if we would attend the second day event. However after some discussions,we decided to go ahead. As usual,we took the MTR from Mongkok to Kowloon Bay,then took the free shuttle bus to the exhibition centre. There were bigger crowds comparing to the day before,luckily we were there earlier. We purchase the tickets at the venue and joined the queue.
Like the first day,we left our Yuki twins at Natalie’s Dollie World booth and proceeded with our shopping at other dealers booths. However we did not buy much stuffs that day…After taking pictures of those booth displays, we went to a cafe outside the hall to take our late lunch. Perhaps both of us were too tired, we left the event before 4.00pm and headed back to the hotel.
In this post,we will bring you the pictures of Dollfie Dream that we took at the dealers booths during HKDP8(Day 2).
我的小香香公主前一天逛累了,第二天決定在酒店休息,不一同隨行了。少了這位小記者,HongKong Dollism Plus 8(第二天)的報道就得要自己做了。
和前一天一樣,我們將Yuki兩姐妹放在Natalie的Dollie World攤位便到處逛逛了。當天的收獲沒有第一天來得多,所以我們就只是拍了一些照片,然後就到會場外面的咖啡座吃午餐了。也許我們前幾天都逛得太累了,那天我們在娃展呆到接近下午4點的時候,我們就決定離開,回返酒店休息了。
Event : HongKong Dollism Plus 8 (Day 2)
Date: 14 July 2013
Time: 11:30am-6:00pm
Aveue: 3rd Floor, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre | 九龍灣國際展貿中心三樓
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