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Tag: DD

HongKong Trip : 07/07/12 Dollism Plus 7 (Day 1) DD篇

Its our first time attending Dollism Plus in HongKong,second time attending Doll Show. The previous time was Doll Fete at Bangkok in March. This following report would be done mainly in chinese and would be about Dollfie Dream only (for pictures of Blythe and other BJD dolls,please proceed to the other post),sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Participating Dollfie Dream : My Volks limited DDH-06 named Hana and Michelle’s Saber(Fate/EXTRA Version)
Special Thanks To : Alvin(DD owner of Yu Chann and Moe-chan),Sin Cheung from 花偶堂(DD owner of 月桂 and 小壽),as well as DD owners of those pics below.

Hana and Saber having a conversation with Yu Chann and Moe about this year’s DP7.

Let’s get started…..開始到處去直擊所有的DD美妹咯…..

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