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Tag: Dollism Plus

[HKDP8] SD Dolls @ HongKong Dollism Plus 8

Hi everyone, here we are again to show you more about HKDP this year. This post will feature all the SD dolls that has made their appearance at HKDP this year. So lets go and see if there is any that catches your eye!


* Click on the thumbnail to view larger resolution.
* 大家可點擊圖片觀賞更大的像素的照片。

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[HKDP8] Dollfie Dream @ HongKong Dollism Plus 8 – Day 1

I am Little Haruka,this is my first time attending an overseas doll event with my mummy and my sister Yuki…..also not forgetting Aunty Michelle and her girl….also Yuki whom is my “god-sister”.

Due to the large amount of pictures,i would be covering only Dollfie Dream and a mixture of some other Anime related dolls in this post. Blythe,SD dolls and other BJD dolls would be covered in another two different posts. As not all photographs turn out well,i might have missed out some Dollfie Dream girls,so sorry about that.
大家好,我是香香(天海春香)。這是我首次跟隨著我麻麻和由綺姐姐一同到香港旅行及出席一年一次的大型娃展“HongKong Dollism Plus 8”。隨行的還有Michelle阿姨和她家的由綺(我的乾姐姐)。

由於這次娃展的照片很多,這篇網誌只是包含了Dollfie Dream部份的照片,小布,SD娃及其他BJD娃的照片將會分別post在另外兩篇不同的網誌。非常抱歉,由於將一些效果不佳的照片抽出,可能會漏掉一些娃。

Event : HongKong Dollism Plus 8 (Day 1)
Date: 13 July 2013
Time: 11:30am-6:00pm
Aveue: 3rd Floor, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre | 九龍灣國際展貿中心三樓

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HongKong Trip : 07/07/12 Dollism Plus 7 (Day 1) DD篇

Its our first time attending Dollism Plus in HongKong,second time attending Doll Show. The previous time was Doll Fete at Bangkok in March. This following report would be done mainly in chinese and would be about Dollfie Dream only (for pictures of Blythe and other BJD dolls,please proceed to the other post),sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Participating Dollfie Dream : My Volks limited DDH-06 named Hana and Michelle’s Saber(Fate/EXTRA Version)
Special Thanks To : Alvin(DD owner of Yu Chann and Moe-chan),Sin Cheung from 花偶堂(DD owner of 月桂 and 小壽),as well as DD owners of those pics below.

Hana and Saber having a conversation with Yu Chann and Moe about this year’s DP7.

Let’s get started…..開始到處去直擊所有的DD美妹咯…..

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