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Tag: Nice Food

Japan Trip 2014 – Tokyo Disneysea & Disneyland

Yuki & Lily is going to a trip. And we’re going to Japan this time round!

We’ll be first touching down at Tokyo and making a trip to Disneysea and Disneyland. After which, we will be moving up to Sapporo, Hokkaido.

We travelled via ANA night flight and will reached Japan the next morning. But travelling on a night flight can be tiring as one might not be able to catch some sleep on the plane. But the girls are having fun on the plane.

Yuki和莉莉去旅行啦! 這次他們去了他們的家鄉, 日本! 我們首先會去東京迪士尼海洋和東京迪士尼樂園玩兩天,之後再起程去到北海道。我們呈搭ANA夜晚的班機,隔天早上就會到大日本。不過呈搭晚上的班機還挺累人的,但是兩個小瓜還真是興奮喔,一點都不覺得累,還真是拿他們沒有辦法。

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4 May 2013 – Yuki meets Neris

It has been a couple of months since we have last updated this blog.
We have been busy with the making of some doll outfits…and partially,due to the hot weather,we have postponed a couple of shootings.

Today we were at Pan Pacific Hotel for a lunch buffet.
Knowing that there is a beautiful Japanese style garden in the hotel,we decided to bring the DD girls along for a short photo shooting session. We had brought our Blythe dolls there for photo shoot before,unfortuantely the Blythe pictures turned out badly. We shall try again today….


Our models for today are : Michelle’s Neris and a new girl whom arrived on my birthday to join the family. She is my 6th girl,Yuki Morikawa. Its her first outing with me.

今天的兩位“模特兒”是。。。。。Michelle的二女兒Neris,而另一位是第一次出現在部落格的新面孔 ~ 我家的“六妹 - Yuki Morikawa”

正式給大家介紹,我家的“六妹 Yuki”

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[12/09/12] High tea at St Regis

Its my second time bringing Neris along with me for high tea.
We are having high tea at St Regis Hotel this time.

Neris in her new outfit which i recently got from Volks.

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