Twins Lily make a trip to Hong Kong at the end of Nov for a short holiday getaway. We went to visit some friends in Hong Kong and then make a trip to Disneyland during the last 2 days of our trip before coming back. So lets us now enjoy the Magical trip with Twins Yuki!
Tag: Yuki Morikawa
Hong Kong Disneyland 2014
Japan Trip 2014 – Hokkaido Sapporo
Lily & Yuki will be continuing their Japan trip and we will be moving to Hokkaido, Sapporo. We will be staying there for a few days and then will be making their trip back to Singapore. Let’s us now continue our adventure!
Japan Trip 2014 – Tokyo Disneysea & Disneyland
Yuki & Lily is going to a trip. And we’re going to Japan this time round!
We’ll be first touching down at Tokyo and making a trip to Disneysea and Disneyland. After which, we will be moving up to Sapporo, Hokkaido.
We travelled via ANA night flight and will reached Japan the next morning. But travelling on a night flight can be tiring as one might not be able to catch some sleep on the plane. But the girls are having fun on the plane.
Yuki和莉莉去旅行啦! 這次他們去了他們的家鄉, 日本! 我們首先會去東京迪士尼海洋和東京迪士尼樂園玩兩天,之後再起程去到北海道。我們呈搭ANA夜晚的班機,隔天早上就會到大日本。不過呈搭晚上的班機還挺累人的,但是兩個小瓜還真是興奮喔,一點都不覺得累,還真是拿他們沒有辦法。
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Hong Kong Dollism Plus 9 (HKDP9) – Our Booth
The Bly Couture 進軍香港啦!今年第一次到香港的HKDP9參展。2天的DP, 我們選擇了參與第一天,19日那場。
The Bly Couture has made its first display and sale booth at Hong Kong Dollism Plus 9 (HKDP9) this year. We have chosen to attend the first day of the event, on the 19 of July 2014.
We had 5 sets of DD & 1 set of blythe gowns for display for that day. Initially we had planned to do 8 sets of DD gowns, but due to tight schedules, we only managed to complete only 5 sets. We will like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has visited our booth and to all the buyers who have purchased our work. Thank you for liking our designs. We will definitely work harder to produce more doll outfits in the near future.
Wonderful New Year 2014
Last evening,my mum received a new year gift from a boutique which consists of a flower decor,a bottle of wine and a card. The flower decor is extremely beautiful and i find it very suitable to be my picture background. So today,i took a couple of pictures of Yuki with the flower decor.
On the last day of 2013,we would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year 2014! Hope year 2014 would be a wonderful year for all of us.
Our handmade couture for the lovely princesses
We gathered some of our lovely princesses together for a wedding dresses photo shoot today,hoping to take more pictures of our recent hand-made gowns. However,it seems to be a coincidence that whenever we wanted to take pictures of the gowns,it would always rain….from the following sequence of the pictures,the first two sets of pictures are brighter than the third and fourth set. Most likely we would have to retake the pics of these gowns some other day. Moreover,not all the gowns are ready for pictures this time,hopefully we could gather more handmade gowns during the next photo shoot.
This time we only have four sets. The first three sets are our “BLY Couture – Luxurious Collection”,while the last one one is our “Elegant Collection”.
首三套是屬於BLY Couture的“華麗系列”婚紗,之後一套則是“優雅系列”的
BLY Couture - Luxurious Collection / 華麗系列
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